Encounter of Hamada Shoji and Bernard Leach
While Hamada Shoji was studying ceramics at school, he was drawing attention to the activities of Bernard Leach by appreciating the exhibition. Hamada met and got along with Leach in 1919 through Yanagi Soetsu, who would carry out the mingei (fork craft) movement together. In 2020, Hamada and Leach went to St. Ives, U.K. and built the Leach Pottery. The Pottery had the first Oriental climbing kiln in the west and located by the sea. They placed emphasis on research and recreate slipware technique, and these actions became the foundation of their career.
二人の活躍 Success
1923年の濱田庄司帰国後、リーチポタリーはリーチや弟子たち、妻のジャネットによって活動が継続されました。濱田は益子に居を定め、自身の理想の作陶と生活スタイル確立に邁進していきます。二人の交流は第二次世界大戦中一旦途絶えましたが、リーチの著書のタイトル「Beyond East and West」のとおり、東洋と西洋の人々や文化を繋げたいとのリーチの想いは戦後日本において民藝運動というかたちで盛んに展開されました。来日の際は各産地を巡り陶芸の調査・指導を行い、益子に滞在した際には濱田窯や佐久間藤太郎窯での作陶に加え、絵付師・皆川マスとコラボレーションを行うなど精力的に活動しました。
The interaction between Hamada and Leach has ceased cause of the WWⅡ. The wish of Leach to connect people and culture between the East and the West, as seen from his book Beyond East and West, has become the mingei movement after WWⅡ in Japan and developed with Hamada. When Leach came to Japan, he traveled the production areas around the country to research and teach about ceramics, and while his stay in Mashiko, he made ceramics at Hamada Gama (Pottery) and Sakuma Totarou Gama, and collaborated with Minakawa Masu, an earthenware painter.
The introductions of Hamada’s lifestyle and making ceramics in Mashiko in Leach’s book and Hamada’s activities overseas made Mashiko dramatically famous, so Mashiko and St. Ives became the worldwide holy places of mingei and ceramics.
Interaction between Mashiko and St. Ives
In 1995 the mission of MICCS (Mashiko International Culture Communication Systemy) visited St. Ives, and the citizenry interaction has begun. When the Leach Pottery became difficult to maintain their management in 2000, also when the Mashiko ware had damaged at the Aftermath of the 2011 Tohoku earthquake, Mashiko and St. Ives raised a subscription for each other to help their reconstruction. In 2012 Otsuka Tomoyuki, the mayor of Mashiko, visited St. Ives and concluded a friendship town agreement. Also a student exchange program for secondary school students has started in the same year, and about 12 students per year studied the culture of St. Ives and deepened their friendship in these 7 years.
Present Mashiko and St. Ives
For the Mashiko museum residency program, Leach’s descendants and apprentices, potters who have close relationship, and art historian had visited Mashiko. They had international exchange by making ceramics, having workshops, and lecture meetings. 2020 was a 100th anniversary year for the Leach Pottery, so Mashiko was planning to send selected young potters and Hamada Tomoo, a grandson of Hamada Shoji, to the Leach Pottery to be at work, and also St. Ives was planning to send their secondary school students to Mashiko for the first time by the student exchange program. However, these plans have been postponed for the social circumstance.